White clover (Trifolium repens) is a low-growing perennial plant that is native to Europe and Central Asia. It is very common here in the UK, found mostly amongst lawns and other grassy areas, and largely overlooked. However, all aerial parts of white clover are edible, including the stems, flowers, leaves and seed pods, and has a delicate, sweet taste.
White clover is a very pretty plant, with unusual shamrock-shaped, smooth, trifoliate leaves and clusters of upright white flowers.
It contains vitamins A, B2, B3, C and E, and minerals - magnesium, potassium, chromium and calcium. It also contains good levels of lipids (4.2-8.6%), proteins (17-33%), carbohydrates (26.7-47%) and is also rich in selenium (Se).
All clovers are rich in health promoting isoflavones, and polysaccharides, and they are also a good source of dietary fibre - which helps digestion - and iron, which is proven to improve bone mineral density.
We include a small portion of white clover in our tortoise hampers - the flowers and leaves in the summer, and just the leaves in the winter months. As clover is so nutrient dense, only a small amount is needed for your tortoise to benefit from this amazing weed.